• The simplest Kubernetes home cluster

    There is a lot of articles out there explaining how to setup a Kubernetes cluster at home, but I wanted to write my take on that, and actually explain how to setup a Kubernetes cluster in the most simplest way possible, for people that just have the basic knowledge about Kubernetes and want to start…

  • Powershell Remoting

    Summary In this article i will show you how to use powershell, my favorite command-line shell, in combination with ssh. After this, you can ssh into any machine with any OS and used your favourites cmdlets. For simplicity, and since i will use two windows machine to show how to use powershell remoting, i will…

  • Simple IIS in-process hosting with ASP .NET 8

    The steps : The tools needed : Download .NET SDK 8 We can easily install .NET SDK 8 from the following microsoft dotnet official website. After that we can validate it by running the following in the command prompt : The version 8 should be our default version, we can check that with the command…